Tag Archives: Cto Hiring

The Mistakes We Make: Starting Up A Venture or Business, Part 2

We’re talking about common mistakes that people make in the early days of a start-up. Here’s the rest of the list, continued from Part 1.

Not Taking the Lean Startup Approach

It is very tempting to build the best and most feature rich product, but does this serve your goals or your target audience? No, it does not. You must identify the minimal viable product which will meet the needs of your target audience and remove all unneeded features and functionality of the initial version. Once your launch your product, you will discover the real needs and features needed – some will be as you might have expected but many will be new and come from your target audience needs and reactions. [see also Lean Startup" href="http://jumpstartcto.com/the-lean-start-up/" target="_blank">The Lean Startup]

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Hiring People With Your Vision

As you build the foundation of your start-up, there is no human resources department to foist off interviewing to. At this point in your company’s creation, every person you hire is in a unique position to influence its success. No redundancy, no safety nets.

This moment is about hiring the right people.

A resume can give you a quick overview, a timeline of someone’s career. But when it comes to hiring for your start-up, throw the resume away.

At this critical juncture, hiring isn’t about words on a page. It’s not even about filling a position. It’s about selecting pieces of the puzzle, slotting them together and making your start-up as strong as it can possibly be.

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