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A sprint is the basic unit of development in Scrum. The sprint is a “timeboxed” effort, i.e. it is restricted to a specific duration. The duration is fixed in advance for each sprint and is normally between one week and one month.

Each sprint is preceded by a planning meeting, where the tasks for the sprint are identified and an estimated commitment for the sprint goal is made, and followed by a review or retrospective meeting, where the progress is reviewed and lessons for the next sprint are identified. (Source: WikiPedia)

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
sprint (verb)
intransitive verb
to run or go at top speed especially for a short distance
sprint (noun)
the act or an instance of - sprinting
a) - dash
b) a burst of speed
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
sprint (verb)
to go at a pace faster than a walk
dash, gallop, jog, scamper, sprint, trip, trot
bound, canter, leap, lope, shag, skip, spring; barrel, belt, blast, blaze, blow, bolt, bomb [], bowl, breeze, bustle, buzz, cannonball, careen, course, foot (it), hare, hasten, hie, hoof (it), hotfoot (it), hump, hurl, hurry, hurtle, hustle, jet, leg (it), pelt, race, ram, rip, rocket, rush, rustle, shoot, speed, tear, whirl, whisk, zip, zoom; nip, patter, scoot, scurry, scuttle, step (along)
amble, saunter, shamble, shuffle, stroll; crawl, creep, dally, dawdle, dillydally, drag, lag, linger, loiter, poke, tarry; lumber, plod, trudge; hobble, limp
Sprint (Wikipedia)

Sprint may refer to:

About David Rashty

David Rashty, an entrepreneur and one of the early web pioneers, has over twenty years’ experience as a CTO and a CEO. David is the funder and CEO of CreativeMinds which focus on WordPress and Magento products.