Outsourcing Technology Overseas

The ability to find talented and skilled employees all over the world is a benefit to every business. It is also a way to expand your technology investment as you discover the potential in outsourcing.

It is much more than a decision about money, however. Before you outsource technology, you must examine what your needs are, and what is available to you. A Chief Technology Officer can assist you in this exploration of opportunities. It is their job to know the markets, to know what is being offered and where it might fit into your big picture html"}]' tabindex='0' role='link'>scenario.

When outsourcing, there are many factors to examine. Of course you want the best results for your money, so you want to select the right people, in the right country, with the right skill set to work on your start-up.

Beyond the price factor, there are important issues with the technology itself; you want to find programmers and project managers who have experience with the platforms you are using, or plan to use. Their comfort level will allow you to be comfortable with their presence on your development team. Are they built for rapid change? Technology is an ever-growing, ever-changing medium, with great potential in what is around the corner. The right people will be adept at learning and interpreting these new advances as they appear.

You also want to feel comfortable with their country’s infrastructure insofar as it affects your business security. Information, IP registration, IP security – these are top level concerns for a start-up.

Outsourcing also addresses your particular needs not being fulfilled geographically. While developers and programmers are everywhere imaginable, there are certain fields of expertise that might not be available in your area. Abilities, particular skill sets – they can often times be more easily found elsewhere and looking beyond your own borders may solve this issue handily.

Cost is a big part of every discussion on outsourcing and an important consideration. How can you spend your technology dollars in the most efficient and rewarding way possible? If you live in a high cost of living area, where the rate is inflated, you may need to seek a different price point to make your goals. Exploring the offerings of professionals in other regions or countries opens up an entirely new world of possibilities for your price point.

There are also things to consider with regards to language and culture. You – your team and particularly your CTO – want to be able to full communicate your needs, concerns and questions to outsourced personnel.  The ability to understand what is going on and what needs to happen is a vital consideration, on both ends. Neither party can achieve their desired results if there are communication issues.

Available hours and the time difference may also be of importance. Are people working when you need them to be, so you can be available for meetings and project support?

A well-informed CTO will be able to navigate these waters with you; knowledge of the world market and outsourcing potential are vitally important to those wishing to move outside their own borders to find qualified and competent technological talent.

About David Rashty

David Rashty, an entrepreneur and one of the early web pioneers, has over twenty years’ experience as a CTO and a CEO. David is the funder and CEO of CreativeMinds which focus on WordPress and Magento products.

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