Tag Archives: Outsourcing

Methods of Working with Remote Developers

When you first start to plan the development of your html"}]' tabindex='0' role='link'>Minimum Viable Product, one of the main issues to deal with is finding the right people to do your product development. Product development is usually done by a team of which one of the major components besides UEX designers are software developers or programming coders.

This article will deal with the complex issue of finding the right coders and how to manage the development process all while keeping in mind your timetable and budget constraints.

Methods of working with remote developers

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Outsourcing – Spotlight on India

When it comes to outsourcing, India is a country on the verge of many exciting developments. While wages are known to be generally lower than western countries, the quality of the Indian developers and project managers is fast becoming legitimate competition to the rest of the world.

In the past, people in India have worked six days a week – and sometimes seven – racking up well over the typical forty-hour work-week. Recently, however, things have evolved, as India’s hi-tech workers become more westernized in their approach to not only technology but the important balance of family/free time and careers.

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Outsourcing in Poland – Spotlight

Poland is a growing center of technology outsourcing, with expansion rapidly taking this country from unknown to sought-after. A gem of the European Union, Poland offers an exceptional crop of technology professionals – programmers, project managers and more – all of whom can be assets to your start-up.

With an emphasis on IP security, and infrastructure, many American and European businesses feel comfortable working with Polish technology workers. A common language and culture – coupled together with an exceptional university system – and there is already a strong foundation for finding the right outsourcing in this country.

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Outsourcing Technology Overseas

The ability to find talented and skilled employees all over the world is a benefit to every business. It is also a way to expand your technology investment as you discover the potential in outsourcing.

It is much more than a decision about money, however. Before you outsource technology, you must examine what your needs are, and what is available to you. A Chief Technology Officer can assist you in this exploration of opportunities. It is their job to know the markets, to know what is being offered and where it might fit into your big picture html"}]' tabindex='0' role='link'>scenario.

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